Follow Your Curiosity

January 3, 2019.

Sometimes I hear a great quote and I can’t get it out of my mind until I draw it. This sketch definitely falls in that category! Around this time of year, most everyone has goals, resolutions and ideas of self-improvement percolating in their minds. Beyond the more immediate desires for change that we often have, I humbly offer the idea presented in this drawing…to be curious. 

So often passion is lauded as the greatest thing to find & conquer, but it’s also infused with a lot of pressure to be that “one thing” you must do/have/be. Curiosity, on the other hand, is quite abundant. It’s all around us, if we take the time to stop to listen. Right now I’m curious about dozens of things. It’s much less intimidating to follow up on your curiosities than to try to nail down an elusive passion.

In this New Year, I challenge myself and anyone who is willing to follow your CURIOSITY. You just never know what adventures it will take you on!

